Welcome to Julia Edwards Books!
In a normal year, Julia speaks to between two thousand and four thousand children. At the height of the pandemic, she was approached by a school requesting a virtual visit, and has since visited schools all over the UK via Zoom, Teams and Google Classrooms, even visiting one class in their own homes. She prefers face to face visits - children are always more fun to talk to in person than over the screen - but she plans to continue offering virtual visits for schools too small or too distant for her to visit in person from Salisbury.
Julia offers a wide range of workshops, including a historical whistle-stop tour for any number of KS2 children, class-sized historical workshops for KS2 based on The Scar Gatherer books, and workshops for any age targeting specific skills such as how to write dialogue, how to evoke setting, and how to edit.
Welcome to Julia Edwards Books!
Watch this short video for more information about the workshops Julia offers to schools, and to get a sense of her approach with children.
She is in the process of developing a scheme of writing workshops connected to Unlucky for Some. More details will be available here shortly. In the meantime, you can download the latest workshop lists via the buttons. If you would like a workshop on a topic not covered on these lists, please contact Julia to ask. There is no additional fee for this, and Julia is glad of the excuse to devise new sessions.
Julia has also worked as a Patron of Reading in a number of schools over the past few years. You can find out more about the scheme on the Patron of Reading website.